
Technology Services

Type-Approval of Back-Office Systems

Type-approval of back-office systems aims at monitoring the quality of services provided by market participants, as well as bringing those services into line with best practices established by ROFEX/Argentina Clearing and, in that way, reinforcing and strengthening the system’s quality.

In order to establish a baseline, categories were defined outlining mandatory requirements that are to be met by all systems used by market participants, be they either internally developed systems (In-House Development) or standardized systems developed by software companies producing packaged software applications for third-parties (Independent Software Vendors, ISV).

You can download more information about this procedure Type-Approval of Back-Office Systems:

List of type-approved systems

Company Solution Version Expiry Date Certificate
Sistemas Esco Esco Trade Solution 2.0 31/07/2017 -
Solver Solver Corretaje 20/01/2018 -
Altocom Altocom Corredores 2.2.0 (2.*) 12/04/2018 -
Alejandro Eguinoa Arteaga y Asoc. S.R.L. Comisi m1.1.1 12/04/2018 -
Estudio Gallo Sistema de Gestión ROFEX V4.1* 31/07/2017 -
AUNE (Rosario Derivados S.A.) Higyrus 3.5 31/10/2018 -
Primary Back Office PRO 3.6 30/09/2017 -

List of systems in process of being type-approved

Business Services

Argentina Clearing uses an interface called AnywherePortfolio Business Services®. The APBS interface is geared to communication between our System and the market participants’ Back-office Systems, using XML and SOAP standards. The interface’s objective is for market participants to access useful information provided by the Clearing House. For more information, please read the APBS Guide whose purpose is to help and guide the interested party by providing technical specifications for successfully implementing solutions.